Slovak – U.K. young scientists workshop
Extreme hydrologic phenomena – droughts and floods, methods their assessment and modelling.”


1st announcement

2nd announcement


Invitation letter
Application form
Institute of Hydrology SAS

Slovak Committee for Hydrology


First announcement

Aims of the Workshop

The Workshop is organised by the British Council with aim to support face-to-face meetings between young scientists from the UK  and  Slovakia within the Council’s long-term activity  known as "International Networking for Young Scientists" (INYS).
The idea of the initiative is to encourage and facilitate mobility and direct contact between the young scientists to enable them to exchange ideas, knowledge and information and thus build international connections that assist the innovation process.


The meeting is particularly aimed at establishing long-term collaboration between young researchers working in the following fields:

  • hydrology

  • soil hydrology

  • mountain hydrology

  • mathematical modelling of water in the soil – plant – atmosphere system

  • floods modelling

Target audience

The initiative is specifically targeted at final-year PhD students, post-doctoral researchers or people who have been tenured for five years or less. Following a review of submitted abstracts, some 12 applicants from each country will be chosen to take part in the Workshop. Applicants should be residents in Slovakia or the UK  and their reserach areas should match the selected topics of the workshop.


The workshop will take place in the Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Smolenice (50 kms from Bratislava).

Preliminary schedule

The meeting will begin with a dinner on the evening of  19 June  2005  (Sunday)  followed by two days of workshops, with participants returning to the UK on 22 June  2005.

Saturday,  18 June 2005,  Arrival to Bratislava (via Vienna), accommodation at Ibis hotel, sightseeing in Bratislava.

Sunday, 19 June 2005,  Danube river excursion, transport to Smolenice Castle, opening of the workshop, welcome dinner

Monday, 20 June 2005, workshops

Tuesday, 21 June 2005,  workshops, in the afternoon transport  to Bratislava

Wednesday, 22 june 2005, UK participants leave for  Vienna airport and the UK

Workshop format

Each participant will be asked to make a 15 minute oral presentation of an area of their research followed by 5 minute discussion. Further discussions by participants will be possible throughout the  whole duration of the workshop. Slovak and UK workshop coordinators, who are experienced, senior scientists in the field will be available for discussion and advice.   


Costs for participants selected to participate in the workshop including flights, meals and accommodation will be covered by the British Council.  The Slovak Academy of Sciences will contribute to the costs by covering  the cost of accommodation and meals for UK participants. 


If you are interested in the Workshop, please fill in the application  form and submit the abstract of your contribution. Please send you application form,  the abstract and other  relevant information by e-mail to local coordinators  (see contacts).  Should you have problems with on-line registration, please send it by mail to one of the local coordinators.  The deadline for applications is 30 April 2005.