Slovak – U.K. young scientists workshop
Extreme hydrologic phenomena – droughts and floods, methods their assessment and modelling.”


1st announcement

2nd announcement


Invitation letter
Application form
Institute of Hydrology SAS

Slovak Committee for Hydrology



March, 3, 2005


Dear friends


International Networking of Young Scientists


I am writing to introduce a new British Council initiative supporting face-to-face meetings between young scientists from the UK and the Slovak Republic.


The idea of the initiative is to encourage and facilitate mobility and direct contact between the young scientists to enable them to exchange ideas, knowledge and information and thus build international connections that assist the innovation process. It is specifically targeted at final-year PhD students, post-doctoral researchers or people who have been tenured for five years or less. The intention is to avoid established collaborations and concentrate on new faces and encouraging new links with young researchers in other countries.


Throughout the year 2005, the British Council in the Slovak Republic in collaboration with the Slovak Academy of Sciences, will organise a series of networking workshops in different topic areas.


This time we invite your interest in the workshop entitled: Extreme hydrological phenomena – droughts and floods, methods of their assessment and modelling.


The 2-day workshop is open for application to all young researches working in the fields listed below and who meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be citizens of the U.K and the Slovak Republic

  • Applicants should be currently either studying for their Ph.D. or working as post-doctoral researchers with 5 or less years of experience

  • Applicants must be fluent in both spoken and written English (the workshop will be conducted in English)

  • Research areas are: hydrology, soil hydrology, montaneous hydrology, runoff processes, flood modelling.

  • Applicants will be considered by means of an assessment of written abstracts, which will be reviewed by two teams of international scientists, one in the Slovak Republic and one in Britain. Some 8 applicants from each country will be chosen to take part.

The workshop will take place from June 18 –21, 2005 in the Slovak Republic, beginning with a dinner on the evening of the June 18, 2005 and two days of workshops, with participants returning to the UK on June  21 or 22, 2005. Costs for participants selected to participate in the workshop including travel, meals and accommodation will be covered by the British Council.  The Slovak Academy of Sciences will cover the cost of accommodation and meals for the British participants.


I would be grateful if you could bring the information about the scheme to the attention of promising young scientists in your institution and encourage them to apply. During the workshop, each participant will be asked to make a 15 minute presentation of an area of their research.  Applications take the form of an application form (attached) and abstract in the following format: one-A4 page/single line format, Times New Roman /one-line break, title size 14 bold, two lines break, authors size 12 bold, one-line break, affiliation, addresses, and e-mail in italics size 12, one-line break, text size 10, references numbered 1., 2., etc as a Footnote text. Drawings embedded in the text.


Attached please find an application form.

Applications and abstracts should be sent by e-mail to local co-ordinators by 31 March 2005..


For more information please contact local coordinators Dr Viliam Novak,   or Helena Le Sage, British Council, Panska 17, P O Box 68, 814 99 Bratislava, tel +421-(0)- 2-59102441, fax: +421-(0)-2-54430369.



Yours sincerely


Helena Le Sage


Helena Le Sage

Science and society projects

British Council Slovakia